..April 2nd..
Morning snuggles
Play time
Coloring Easter Eggs

Lara came over and colored Easter Eggs with Blakelee and I. Blake was old enough this year to understand the concept! She didn't get the fact that the eggs were fragile and would bang them against the table. She did a great job coloring them!
..April 3rd..
"my gloves"
..April 7th..
Waffle yummy!!
..April 9th..
Celebrating Laryssa's Birthday at McDonald's.
Playing with my baby girl!

Bath time is the relaxing!
Those faces make my day
..April 10..
Costco Day
..April 15th..
Playing in the snow on a random spring snow day!

..April 16..
The snow was still there in the morning! She played all morning then we went to lunch with Caitlyn and her little boy Noah! Later they came over to hang out with us at the house!

..April 21..
Work day with these girls!
..April 22..
Morning with the babes then a pedicure!

..April 23..
Bubble bath
Blake and I played while Savvy napped!
Blakelee got some coins and was thrilled to put it into her piggy bank!

Once savvy woke up B talked me into going to the park!! She was so happy!

..April 24..
Build A Bear for Savvy.
My mom gets a build a bear for all the kids once they are born! She got a bunny!

..April 26..
This was a day to document!!! Blakelee hadn't gone to nursery since Savvy was born! She finally went all by her self and stayed the entire time!
..April 28..
Making wishes on flowers and finding awesome rocks!

Working with this girl!! My manager!
..April 30..
Naps with mommy and Avengers!!
Well no surprise here I am super behind on updating my blog!!! My life has been a whirl wind so this has been the last on the list even though I need to remember some of these things and should take more time to do it. Maybe one day my whirl wind story will be posted!!! Maybe... maybe not!
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