"Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy."

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Tradition

Every Christmas my mom, sister, and I get together to Bake all these yummy Holiday Goodies!!

 We have done this since we were very little!! Now that we are married and live on our own
We still want to keep the tradition alive.. So on Sunday we got together it was a blast!!
 Griff came too but instead of Baking he took a nap :D
 Peanut Brittle, Chocolate Cherry Pizza, and Fudge..
 Laryssa was taking a nap during most of the Baking, when she woke up her Hair was Sweet haha!!
 Rice Crisppies, And Sugar Cookies..
Got to LOVE the Holidays...

Wishing you...

A very Merry Christmas!!!

The Blands!