For the 4th of July Griff and I both had the day off!!! Miracle!!
In the morning my Grandparents ward always does a breakfast at the their ward house, so we headed over there to enjoy some yummy pancakes, hash browns, and eggs. We hung out and chatted for a bit then over to my moms for a nap.
I had to run to the store to get stuff to make my 4th of July treat for the BBQ.
I saw these cute sparkler treats on Pinterest!!
We headed over to my Uncles in laws house at Sugar House for our annual BBQ and fireworks. We have been going to Sugar House Park for so many years now. They do the best fireworks.
The food was fabulous and so were all the goodies. Everyone brings such a great dish!!
I love that all my family is there and that Blake's is getting to know her 2nd cousins. They love her!!

Blake and Jae loved their suckers!! That was Blake's first sucker, she loved it so much and was so mad when I took it away from her because she was rubbing it on the blanket haha!!!
We all headed to the front yard to lay out our blankets to watch the show!!!
Blakelee loved all the fireworks and would clap with everyone. Surprisingly they did not scare her.
Such a fun night with the family!!
Love summer..
..sun shine..
spending it all with my cute little family!!