On February 12th Lara, Savvy and I headed down to St. George for a weekend of fun! Blakelee stayed home and ended up staying with my parents for the whole weekend! Thank you to the best parents out there!!
We left around 9pm and Savvy slept the whole way down, we almost forgot she was in the car until she snorted a little snort hours into the drive, and scared us haha!! The drive went really fast!! Once we got to her dad's house we unloaded the car and got the the beds all ready then hit the pillow!! It was late and we were so very tired!!!
Savvy didn't sleep super well that night so her and I were up around 6am. We all got up a little later and got all ready for the day. We got some food and hit the shops. After a few hours and getting tired, and Savvy getting tired we went back to her dads house. Her mom and husband came over to visit with us.
That night we went to sushi and meet up with Lara's friend Abbie. After dinner we went to Abbie's sisters house for a bit, then went back to the house and went to sleep.
In the morning of the 14th. It was Lara's Birthday!!!!
We got showered and ready for the day, then went to breakfast!!! We went to the Black Bear Diner. Afterwards we headed to Lara's moms house for some pie and games! It was a blast!! We just hung out for a bit then went to the movies! Luckily Savvy was such a good sport and slept the whole time. As the night went on we had some dinner at the Pizza Factory then went home and went to sleep.

On Sunday morning Abbie headed back home. Lara and I went to lunch then got a pedicure! Afterwards we went back to her moms house to hang out and have some dinner! We took a walk to their pool and to the park!! Dinner was amazing!! We then got comfy on the couch and watched the Bachelor. Afterwards we went back to the house to go to bed.

On Monday morning we packed up the car and headed home!! I had to work that night... So we got on the road pretty early!
Blakelee had a great time while I was gone! My parents let her spend the weekend with them. On Friday they went and visited my Grandparents, her Great Grandparents. She played with toys, wrote her name on Great Uncle Russ's cast, rested and just had a good time. Then they went back to my parents and painted nails!! That night they roasted hot dogs and marsh mellows. Blakelee was in heaven!
Saturday Blakelee ran errands with my parents and played with her toys!!

On Sunday, Valentines Day, Blake went to church with my parents, she went to nursery and loved the toys. After church she napped and played and waited patiently until her cousins came over to celebrate the Holiday, do gifts and have dinner!! She loved playing with all them.
When I got home from my trip I picked her up and got them home and we just relaxed until I headed into work.
It was such a fun weekend!!! Loved every minute of it.