A few girls and I went on a fun adventure to Lava Hot Springs for a weekend. We stayed in a sweet hotel room that could count as a condo. We went to the Olymic Pool and Carlee jumped off the low platform diving board, there was no way I was getting my body up to that high of a jump haha. There was a rock wall that we all attempted to climb and somewhat make it to the top :)! The Hot Pools were so pretty, they have really made them very nice and relaxing it was such a nice get away. In Idaho you only have to be 18 to gamble so on the way home we picked up some Lottery Tickets haha!! Plus bonus we made it on 1 tank of gas the whole trip, YAY go my car!!

Almost there :)

Our room was so nice!!

The Outpost Shop such a fun random store...

Such a Perfect day to swim and soak up the Sun!

Hot Pots, So relaxing
Dare to be Square! Ice Cream in a square scoop.
Buckin' Bull! MwAh...
The river was Cold... But next time were floating it ;)