We got to bargin shop!!! So great we loved it getting super good deals for way cute jewlery and oh a piggy bank!!
We went to Ft. Lauderdale's beach and just hung out while we waited for our time to go Snorkel!! The Ocean was warm!! We swam and then laid out to chatch some rays!!

Snorkeling!!! On our way to find the spot to dive in..

Hahah :D
So I am super Terrified of Sharks and other sea animals.. So for me to jump into the middle of the Ocean was kinda scary.... Griff was super sweet and was right by me the whole time. Once I got in the water it was ok I did keep lookin behind me and around me to make sure only little fish were close by!! Snokeling was fun!! We saw some fun fish and tasted some nasty salt water too!! All in all I would Snokel again.

The Houses on the Ocean were Ginormous!!!
After Snokeling we hit up a little shop for some Lunch!!
Our AMAZING view from our Hotel Room!!
Enjoying some swimming time!!
Driving to South Beach...
To do some shopping in there amazing and huge shopping mall!!! I have never seen so many stores in one place :)
We were buring hot with the heat.. So we stopped for some frozen yogurt :D
Deep Sea Fishing!! Griff was so super excited to go fishing. We found a way good deal on night fishing so we hopped on the boat and headed out to sea!! Night fishing was way great the only thing is you catch bigger fish during the day! So next time we go we are going in the day time!!
These are like Carp... I guess you could catch these and eat them if you really wanted but I sure wouldn't!!

We caught 13 or 14 fish totall!! It was so much fun, Griff did amazing he caught 9 out of our haul!! We didn't bring a cooler and this company didn't ship the fish home so we didn't get to eat any of our fish... But I guess that's ok it was still so fun!!! And no we did not get sick :D

Walking the Boadwalk!!! I loved it.
Time to check out of the hotel!! The Honeymoon is now over...
But first time to drop off the HHR!!! YAY!!!
In the airport Heading home!! We had such a good time in Flordia and can not wait to go back! Griff and I have waited very paiently to go on a vacation by ourselfs!! Now time for more Vacations and fun feild times with my Hubby!!