Dec. 1
Kicking off the Christmas season watching Elf!
Dec. 2
Gave Blakelee her first pair of little Piggy Tails!!

Dec, 5
Blake helped me decorate the Christmas Tree!! She was loving it so much. She reminds me so much of me when I was little. Holidays were mine!! She LOVES them!!
This is what she does when she is sleepy.
Dec. 7
Blakelee helping Savvy feel all the different textures in the book.
After church Blakelee wanted to see Jingle Bells.
Dec. 8
Hanging out with my girl while Blakelee naps at Grandma and Grandpas before I went to work.

Dec. 9
First bumbo experience.
Then helping mommy clean.
Blake thought it would be a good idea that night to color on our bedspread with a permanent marker.

Dec. 11
My work Christmas Party.
It was held at Fox Hallow Golf Course in the club house. Magleby's catered and a hypnotist came!
Dec. 12
Cuzzy's lunch!!!
I love these girls!!!!
Dec. 13
Going out to see all the house Christmas Lights!!
Dec. 15
Hair post...
Dec. 17
Beanie Day...
Lazy Tummy Timer.
Dec. 18
Dec. 19
Anderson Christmas Party.
Decorated Christmas Trees. Had a White Elephant Game. A major game of Dodge Ball. And a yummy dinner.

Dec. 22
Lazy days and Elf Bells made a sprinkle angel.

Dec. 26
Playing with Christmas Toys.
Dec. 28
Savvy Girl...
Morning Snuggles..
And out on the town!!

To end the night. A tummy time workout!!
Dec. 29
Sister tummy time!
My little Sassy Blake..
Bubble Bath at Grandmas house!!
Dec. 31
New Years with the girls!!!!
Snug as a bug in a rug!
December was a blast!!! So sad it is January... BUT So GLAD it is a new year!!! 2014 was ok but kidda sucky... Hoping for a better year this year!!!! Cheers to a fresh start!!!