We are Engaged!!!!!!
My Beautiful Ring!!
My Family!
Our Amazing Family!!
Love them!!
We are Engaged!!!!!!
My Family!
Me and my cute sister!
Griff and I after the Egg Hunt.Love My Family!!
Laryssa's 1st Egg Hunt!! She knew right what to do!
Laryssa Babyy is 1! Oh my word. Lindsay and Zach through a Birthday Party at their house for her 1st Birthday. Both sides of the family were there and the great grandpartents. Also some family friends. What a good time we had!
This is her own cupcake for her birthday! And this is what she did to it while eating it.. LOL what a silly little girl.
Griffin and I at Laryssa's Party!!!
Laryssa's 1 year pictures. I love her!
For St. Patty's Day Griffin, Luke and I drove to Wendover to meet up with Ely and Lance who were there already to celebrate Ely's Birthday. When we got to Wendover we gambled on the slots then headed over to the tables! Griff was trying to show me the ways of Craps... Um still do not understand that one. But I do understand Roulet and I really like that game! We made pretty good and all left with more then we went with!
For Ely's Birthday he had everything you could think of that was green!! We all loved and were rocken the Mustache.Lets win big!!
Lindsay and I took Laryssa swimming at the indoor swimming pool!! Laryssa is a little fishy.