"Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy."

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

6 months and 2 1/2

Back in March Blakelee hit her 2 and a half mark!! NO WAY! Stop growing. I know I say that every month but it is so true! She is getting so big and so stinking cute. She still has her spit fire personality and her sass which secretly I have a love, even though it can get exhausting at times. I love knowing she can hold her own and tell you how it is. She has a shy side but when she warms up she won't stop talking and running around. Her vocab is amazing for a 2 year old. You can usually understand exactly what she is saying. Sometimes I have to translate her words for people, but for the most part she is clear as day. She knows all her colors other then she gets confused on brown. She gets confused on counting, but most of the time she can count to 10 and sometimes to 12 by herself. She loves to dress herself and will wear dresses with a shoe change every 5 minutes. She loves having her hair done even though it gets messed up within an hour. She loves to match Savvy or me, either with clothing, shoes, or hair do! She is so into Disney right now. All the princesses and characters are her favorite thing. She wants to listen to all the Disney songs while we do things around the house. Watch any Disney movie she can and loves her Minnie Mouse jammies! She loves her toys, dolls, and animals. She is very territorial with them, but will share them on her terms and when it is her idea. She loves food!!! She can be picky at times but for the most part she eats almost anything. She might not eat it all but she will at least try it. She loves milk, chocolate milk, water, and juice and would rather drink that then eat most of the time. She loves having stories read to her and brushing her teeth. She loves taking baths and getting her own hair wet. She loves to pre tend and will make up stories and talk and play for hours!!! She loves forts, and pre tending the blankets are tents and hiding from the rain under the blanket. She is still potty training she is almost there. I am just getting to the point to try solid no diapers!!! She does really good when she doesn't have a diaper on. She is getting so tall but is so skinny. She can usually still wear 24 month things but they might be a bit short. She is my silly happy girl and will hug you and make your day the best. She will wipe away tears and kiss your check and tell you you are OK. She is my angel and was sent to me to be my rock! She is my best friend and I would be lost without her!!!
These two though!!
 This little lady is getting to big too!! She is already 9 months and I will still do a blog for where she is currently at now.
But back at 6 months she had a pretty regular routine..
She would wake up still 1-2 times a night for a binky and to be re wrapped with blankets. 
She still loves to be swaddled at night. 
She was rolling more but that was all the mobile she was.
Couldn't sit on her own but was really close.
Eating around 6-8oz.
Would wake up for a morning bottle around 7am. Then go back to sleep till about 10am. Up for some breakfast foods then with a bottle back down around 11am. Up around 2pm for lunch and play time. Back down with a bottle around 3or 4pm. Up around 5 ish for dinner and play time until bed time routine of bath bottle bed!
Smiley girl.
Loves to laugh.
Loves food.
Loves her bottle and gets so excited when she sees hers!
Acts like a 3 month old, snuggling still (which I love!!!!) being rocked, and still won't hold her own bottle.
This baby girl is the cutest, sweetest thing ever. Her smile will seriously make you melt to a puddle. Her eyes will make you cave and pick her up. Her sad little cry will make you go get her from trying to get her to cry it out. She has me wrapped tight around her sweet little finger. Whoever meets her will seriously fall in love with her!!! She is perfection!

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