"Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy."

Monday, October 27, 2014

Riverton Parade

On July 3rd, Riverton did there parade that evening. Griff had to work so Blake and I met up with Lindsay and her family to enjoy the Parade!! 
This was Blakelee's first Parade and she LOVED it to say the least!
The Candy was the best part. Almost every single car or float that drove past us tossed some candy. The girls were running after every piece they spotted. It took Blakes a sec to understand that she could run around to get the candy.
Running to get all the candy haha!
At the very end they were given otter pops!!! That was so nice to get after such a hot few hours in the sun.
What a fun night can't wait to go to more parades with the girls in the future!!

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