"Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy."

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Special Day in White

November 4th was one of Blakelee's most Special Day!! It was her Blessing Day.
In the morning we got ready then headed to Griffin's parents ward at 9am. We wanted to bless her close to our family and in a ward that we were familiar with. So we decided to bless her out in one of our parents wards. Griffin did an amazing job on blessing her. It was so tender and melted my heart. He started off by thanking Heavenly Father for an Angel!! It was the sweetest thing hearing the crackle in his voice, after he thanked him, from getting choked up. He blessed her with some amazing things that will help her in her life from here on out.
My Dad, Griff's Dad, Grandpa Anderson, Grandpa Payne, Zach, Devin, and Eric were in the circle for the blessing. So many of our friends and family were there supporting Blakelee on her special day.
Once the blessing was over we all went back to my moms house for a brunch. So many people were so helpful with bringing some food and drinks. My cute mom did so much to make this day happen, she cleaned, shopped, and hosted such a fun day!! Thank you mom so much for everything you are so amazing!!

..Aunt Lindsay..
..Cousin Beau, Uncle Devin, and Aunt Meg..
Donuts from the Blands
..2nd Cousin Alisa,and Abbie, Great Aunt Karen, Grandpa Scott, Uncle Zach, Cousin Jaelyn, Great Uncle Boyd, Great Grandma and Grandpa Anderson..
Parfaits from my mom, Fruit from Grandma, Drinks from Eric and Ape, and the uncles.
..Grandma Debbie, Aunt Whit, and Uncle Eric..
..Friends Dave, Melissa, and Tuffy..
More Fruit from Devin and Meg
.. Friends Stephen and Lara..
..2nd Cousin Jaren, Taylor, Jaxon, Alec, Kylaya, Karson, Char, and Cousin Laryssa..
Isn't he a heart breaker!!??
Love my baby Jae Jae!!
..Daddy, Great Uncle Jason and Russ..
..Uncle Dev and Eric, Aunt April and Meg..
Russ loves his baby girls!!!
..Mommy and Daddy..
We LOVE you very much princess!!
~ The Circle~
..Grandpa Scott B., Eric, Devin, Daddy, Grandpa Scott A., Great Grandpa Anderson and Payne, and Zach..
..Grandma Lonna..
My most favorite people ever!
Precious Pictures that I will Cherish forever!!
I love seeing pictures of me with my great grandparents, and I know Blake's will too.
~4 Generations~
My Mom, Me, Blakelee, and Grandma.
Her perfect Blessing Dress on such a perfect day.
The Bland's
Love her!!
The Anderson's
This is a day that I will never forget!!
Having the priesthood in our lives is the most powerful thing that I have ever seen. I am so happy that I have such a wonderful husband that holds the priesthood and was able to bless our baby girl. It brings the biggest smiles and happiest feeling to my heart knowing he was there for her this day! Love my whole family and my new little family so much.

1 comment:

S and L said...

What a wonderful day! You got some amazing pictures KM! Love reading all your posts! :)