"Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy."

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Gone Camping!!!!

A few weekends ago my family went up to our Property in Salina to go camping.
What can we say... We love the Great Outdoors!
So after work on Friday Griff and I followed Linds and Zach to the Canyon.
I was very little the last time I visited the Property.. in fact I think I was only 2!
So it was very fun to see it.
It is my Grandparents property.. but it is also my Grandma's Siblings property.
So we got to meet many of our 2nd and 3rd relatives.
It was so fun!!
When we first got their, Ryss wanted to go on a bike ride!!
So my mom took her on the 4 wheeler for a short ride.
After a fun day of getting camp set up and meeting the family we hit the sack!!
Time for some Breakfast.
Laryssa loved that she had friends to play with!!
Our first ride on the trip!
This little lake was just up the canyon.
Isn't is so Gorgeous!??
Going on another ride with the fam!!
Ryssa loved every minute.
This is where a man was struck by lighting..
it hit a big tree and him and it killed him!
It was a long time ago but they made it a memorial spot for him.
Baby Girl loving the view.
We drove a just bit higher and we got to look down and see where a coal mine was.
After some fun 4 wheeling rides Griff decided to mt. bike!!
I tried going with him earlier but I failed haha!!
So I let him go alone and I brought him water on the 4 Wheeler!
HUGE cows!!!
Dinner time!!! :D
This night we all played cards!!
It was so much fun.
We had hot coca and candy and played for hours!
In the morning Ryss got dirty early!!
We were waiting for our breakfast!!
Then we painted our nails!!
While Griff went on another ride.
Hahahha!! Love this girl more then anything!
This was so awesome!
Meh... Dang Flat!!!!
You can tell by my dads body posture he is not happy!
We had such a fun time with everyone!!
Could've asked for better weather either.
Sad it is over and can't wait to go back.

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