The night before mothers day our friends Steve and Lara were over and gave me these pretty flowers and the adorable hand prints of Blake for mothers day!! They are so dang thoughtful.
I went to bed around midnight on Saturday and as I was crawling into bed Griff came in with 2 gift bags I was shocked!! He had told me that he didn't have time to get me a gift and he was going to have to pick it up later... not gonna lie I was bugged thinking that he had forgotten my present on my first Mothers Day. So when he came in with the gifts I was thrilled. I opened them to find these adorable shoes inside!!! He picked them out himself. Good job right?? :) Also with the shoes was some cash for me to go on a shopping spree, he knew I wanted some sunglasses and a purse and possibly some other things, and he knows how much I love shopping so he wanted me to go have some fun!!!
Thanks Babe!!! Love it!!
(Picture Overload :))
In the morning we got ready for church and headed to the Bland's ward to surprise Debbie and sit with her for Mothers Day. Their ward gave all the moms these huge sugar cookies!! I might have eaten most of the cookie that day. It was delish.
I am so blessed and thrilled to be a mommy to this little princess. She has been the light of my life. I don't know what I would do without her. I seriously can not get enough of her. When I am holding and kissing her I still miss her and want to be with her all day long. She has been the best gift I have ever been given and I am beyond thankful that my Heavenly Father trusted me enough to be her mommy. He gave us the best little girl ever!!! I Just Love Her To Pieces!!!
After church we headed back to the Bland's house for a few hours. We put B down for a nap and the boys watched Golf... I know I thought it was Mothers Day too... Isn't the mom supposed to choose the TV shows?? Lol Jk!!
After Blake woke up from her nap we headed over to my families for our Mothers Day Dinner!! We had Honey Baked Turkey, cheesy potatoes, strawberries, rolls, green beans, salad, and olives. It was so yummy!! Everyone pitched in helping to make the dinner. That way not only did my mom have to cook it all but neither did Lindsay and I.
Love my charms for my Brighton Bracelet!! Thanks mom :D!! It is perfect.
My mom gives my sister and I a bracelet for Mothers Day and as the years go on we get a new charm to add to it. This year I got a Daughter Charm and a Scissor Charm.
Laryssa helping grandma make the cool whip to go with our strawberries. Mmmm!!!
Blake's playing with the kitchen.
So precious.
Little did Laryssa know that grandma's rule is: If you help make the cool whip you get to lick the beaters!! She was in heaven enjoying her sweet treat before dinner time!
Oh how cute is this!! Daddy Daughter bonding time.
We all enjoyed our dinner and the boys cleared most of the table up to give us moms a break! It was so cute. Griff did all the dishes, he cleaned off all the plates and everything then loaded them in the dishwasher, let me tell you it wasn't an easy task there were TONS of dishes!!! Good work babes.
We then all piled into the TV room to give my mom her gift. We gave her the new Cricut Expression for Scrapbooking. She was thrilled!!!!!
Love my family so much.
Couldn't ask for better.
Awww look at that face!!!

Happy Grandma's day mom! These girls just love their grandma so so so much. They all are very protective of her. Even Blakelee is getting protective. When my mom is holding one of the girls sure enough here comes one of the other girls just begging to be held instead. It is so cute.
Cousin Love.
Happy Mother Day Lou!!!
She has the cutest girls ever.
We think they resemble her and I as we were growing up. Laryssa is a spitting image of her mommy and Jae has a lot of my personality. They are the best. I absolutely love being their auntie. They put such a huge smile on my face every time I see them!!!
The boys playing on the tablet.
After gifts we of course had to have dessert. Lindsay made Lime Bars!! They were so rich but so good. The girls got Drumstick Ice Cream Cones.
Hahah on my goodness if this doesn't make you smile I don't know what will!!
Jaelyn loved her Ice Cream and good thing her mom new to strip her down to just her diaper because she was a sticky, chocolaty mess!!! It was every where. But yet she was happy as a clam even though she was so sticky hahah!!!
Such a character.
I of course had to copy Lara from the gift she gave me for mothers day and so I gave both grandma's the same thing. They turned out so cute.
After the dinner party we went over to Griffin's parents house to hang out for a little while.
Happy Mothers and Grandma's Day Debbie!!!
Her baby boy and her are so cute!!
Deb's and Baby Baylee.
She is getting so big and so so cute!
Missing Megan and Beau... Beau has been really sick with croup and asthma! Poor little guy, so Meg has been keeping him clear from the little girls. We are thankful so they don't get sick, but we miss them both SO much and wish Beau a fast recovery. We need to see that little dude.
B and me with Ape and Bay!!
Grandma with her granddaughters.
Aren't they so cute??
They were matching with their polka dots :).
We wished that we could have gotten a pic of the Dev, Meg and Beau!!
Cute Ape, Eric and Baby Bay.
Happy Mothers Day to Debbie, Meg and April!! You guys are amazing moms!! Love you guys.