November 30th was Blakelee's 2 month Day!!
In the morning we went to her Dr. Appointment. She got her shots.. She did not like them of course. She was super mad at first but then calmed right down when they were done. Tough cookie!! She weighed 10.10 and was almost 23 inches long.
25% for her head
50% for her weight
75% for her length
She is going to be one tall girly!!
Blakelee is the apple of our eye, we love her so much and can not get enough of her.
She is getting so interactive.
She smiles so much and has the cutest dimple on her left cheek that really shows with those big grins.
She scowls just like Papa Scott haha.
Her left eyebrow raises a lot.
She is starting to grab things and really hold on tight, like my hair and my finger.
I love it when I feed her she holds onto my finger and wont let go!!
We have started her on a nighttime routine, around 9:30 we bathe her, feed her, and put her straight down for the night. She will sleep close to 9 or 10 hours!! (not recently because of a growth spurt she is going through). When I am bathing her she just stares at me with those big blue eyes. It melts my heart and I just stare back and talk to her.

Blake's has the sweetest little voice when we get her to talk she will make you laugh and grin from ear to ear. She is just so precious. She is starting to sort of laugh, it is only one pushed out laugh and it is the cutest thing ever. Her head control is amazing!! I hold her like a big girl when she is awake and she does so great!! Sometimes we almost but heads so I have to be quick to help her out, but for the most part she is great. She loves to sit not lay. We help her sit up all the time and she thinks she is such a big girl. She will do fabulous on tummy time but she gets bored fast... We will be working on that so she can learn to roll.
Blake's is scooting!!! I find her out of her blankets almost to the top or side of crib almost every morning because she is learning how to scoot so well. We put our hands on her feet during tummy time and she will push off and scoot forward! Good job baby girl.
She is one good baby. I have heard many times from many people how patient and calm she is. She only cries when she is hungry, needs a diaper change, or is bored. When she has something to look at she will sit or lay for a long time and entertain herself!! She lets me run errands without being fussy. Heavenly Father gave us just what we needed I don't know what I would do with a hard baby. She knows the people in her life she looks at them and smiles because she knows they are important. She still has acid reflux, poor thing, and we just got her new formula to help with spit up and to help her go potty... It is amazing how one type of formula can not be digested as easy!
I miss this little one like crazy when I am at work. She hold such a special place in both of our hearts!! Love her to pieces and can not wait to continue to watch her grow and learn.