Griffin and I at the Fair. We had a lot of fun riding the rides and going to the "Freak Shows" now those are something else.

The Bee's Baseball Game, Last one of the season and they did not go out with a bang! Sad day!

We are Goofs and I Absolutley LOVE it!

My family

I Love her so much, Laryssa is such a sweet baby girl I love being an aunt! She will turn your day into the best day ever just by getting to and hold her! She is such a blessing.

Vegas Babyy!! Griffin and I went down to Vegas with his family for his 21 Birthday. We both we old enough to gamble so we thought it would be fun to head to Vegas see a few Magic Shows, walk the strip, Gamble, and eat at the buffets! We had a blast it was a trip I will never Forget!!

PS I love Palm Trees

The Fun Bus to Wendover!!! What a night. Griff played in a poker tourney and took 5th place! We gambled and had free Cocktail so we got VIRGIN cocktails and made it the funnest night out!

Our winnings!

Girls night out to the Gateway!! Dinner and Shopping, Can not beat that.

Griff took me to the Melting Pot just for a perfect Date Night! We got all Dolled up, saw a movie then headed to have the best Desert ever!!!

I am IN LOVE with this guy! More then anyone knows, He is my life and I do not know what I would do with out him. He makes me laugh more then anyone and knows me better then I know myself. He always is there and know how to cheer me up and make my day! He is my everything <3 I love you Babe!